Will the original images be deleted?

We deeply value your trust in using Optimole for enhancing your website's performance. Here's how we handle your images with care:

Image Optimization:

When you choose Optimole for image optimization, rest assured that your original images remain untouched. Optimole creates a copy of your images, optimizes them in our cloud, and then delivers these enhanced versions through our image CDN to your visitors. This entire process is designed to be seamless and real-time, ensuring that the optimization does not alter your original images stored on your server.

Cloud Library Storage:

For those utilizing the Optimole cloud library to store images, we offer a continuous service as long as your Optimole account and subscription are active. If your account face suspension, your images will temporarily display a 404 error until you upgrade. However, we provide a grace period during which you can restore your images, please note that after that period the images will be permanently removed from the Optimole cloud. You can either roll back the images from cloud library or request an export zip file of your images from your account, ensuring you have the support needed to manage your content effectively.

Transitioning from Free to Premium:

We understand the importance of continuity. If your free account gets disabled, upgrading to a premium plan will seamlessly revert your images back to their optimized state, ensuring a smooth transition and uninterrupted service.

📝 Note: You can find more information about Optimole premium plans here - https://optimole.com/pricing/

We're here to support you every step of the way. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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