Can not connect to Optimole

In case you have difficulties connecting Optimole to your website, please check the following settings:

  • Case 1 - check that RestAPI is enabled on your server
  • Case 2 - check cURL and SSL on your server

Check that RestAPI is enabled on your server

In case you encounter the following error:

It seems there is an issue with your WordPress configuration and the core REST API functionality is not available. 

It could be caused by security plugins if you have any. Please try to disable all the security plugins, navigate to WordPress Settings > Permalinks and save the permalinks again. Performing these actions should regenerate the .htaccess file then, you can enable the security plugins back.

Check cURL and SSL on your server

1. Make sure cURL and SSL are upgraded and installed correctly on your server. Usually, they are but sometimes they might not be updated by the server administrator.

2. Check that the server can access Optimole. To do this you need to run a command from your server terminal:

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <userapi>'

You can find the <userapi> inside after you log in to your account.

The command should return a status code of 200 if everything is working.

3. Last step if you encounter an error referencing stream_socket_client() or SSL you should first get in contact with your system administrator, it might be that a library is missing or needs updating.

In case the problem persists after following all the steps mentioned above, feel free to contact us at

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