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How does Optimole count the number of visits?
Visits based plan
What happens if I exceed plan limits?
How can I serve images from my own custom domain?
How to register and activate my account?
What Subscription Do I Need?
How can I cancel my plan
How can I upgrade my plan?
How Can I Change My Password?
How Can I View My Invoice?
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Image processing
How Optimole can serve WebP images
How does the Optimole Service work?
What Content Delivery Network (CDN) do you use?
How can I see if my website is actually faster with OptiMole
Why Optimole is not able to download the images from my site?
How to Use the Custom Integration in Optimole?
How to whitelist Optimole user agent on cloudflare?
How Optimole counts the number of optimized images
Adding Watermarks to your images
Which formats can be optimized ?
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WordPress Plugin
How to Get Started With Optimole
Why Optimole does not optimize all the images from my site ?
Unified Image Access
Exclusions from Optimizing or Lazy Loading
How to remove the Optimole links from my site
CSS Background Lazy Loading
Optimole Badge
Auto Quality powered by ML (Machine Learning)
Retina Quality
Lazy Load with Generic Placeholder
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Cache Invalidation API Guide
Setting Up Secure Authentication for Optimole API